This month, we spoke with Jessica Gillis, Soft FM Supervisor at Niagara Falls Entertainment Centre. Jessica started as a Facility Administrator in 2018, and has held a number of positions since the beginning of her career with us.

Who are you and what do you do?

I am the Soft FM Supervisor for the Niagara Falls Entertainment Centre. I manage Security and Housekeeping on the site.

What led you to your current role?

I was hired as the Facility Administrator back in 2018 and moved on to Operations and Mobilization Specialist which and grew into the role of Soft FM Supervisor. It happened very naturally as I have always had an interest in contract law and regulated environments, which is required in a P3 contract such as this.

What challenges have you faced this year?

This year we have already faced the pandemic, and will hopefully face the challenge of opening the facility for its first show. We’re looking forward to working with Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment (MGE) and their staff, providing a first class experience for guests and artists.

What are you most proud of since working at Bouygues?

I am proud of my team, security and housekeeping. They all work very hard to get the job done. Everyone of my team members have improved and deserve all the recognition working towards opening the Niagara Falls Entertainment Centre. They constantly improve and seek to find better and more effective ways to conduct business practices. I enjoy managing a team that has an open and professional relationship where we can discuss issues and solve them together. My team has made me a better Supervisor learning together.

What is the most important aspect of FM?

The most important aspect of FM is to improve performance, lower costs and optimize customers experience. I train my team to ask questions and recognize where there is opportunity to further advance how our services are delivered.

The Niagara Falls Entertainment Centre is due to open later this year, Jessica and her team are looking forward to hosting world-class performers and taking care of guests that visit the site.